The theme of most of my breakfasts during the work week typically falls into 3 categories: oatmeal of some sort, Greek yogurt with some fruit and other stuff thrown in, and fancy toast. Today I’ll be showing you some of the options I usually entertain from the third category: Fancy Toast.

Two Savory Toast Ideas

One of my favorite weekday combos is avocado, sea salt, and red pepper flakes. The fat in the avocado keeps me full until I’ve been in the office for a couple of hours, at which point I have a small snack. A sprinkle of sea salt pumps up the flavor of the avocado and the pepper flakes add a nice little kick. When I want to make my breakfast a little more filling I top this toast with an egg to make sure I get a good dose of protein. You can choose your favorite style of egg, but I usually go for hard-boiled (as pictured above) or poached if I’m feeling a little fancier.

On the weekends, when I have even more time to fancy up my toast, I like to do a combination of smashed avocado, cooked turkey sausage, and crumbled feta. This is a flavor and fat bomb and, combined with the carbs from the bread, this toast keeps me full well until lunchtime.  If you’re a vegetarian, you can swap out the sausage for a fried egg, or some crispy chickpeas would even make a delicious protein-packed swap.

Two Sweet Toast Ideas

I also love the combination of almond butter, sliced banana, and cinnamon. I spread about a tablespoon of almond butter on the slice of toast. Then, slice 1/2 a banana and lay the slices on top in whatever pattern you like. Finish it by sprinkling a little cinnamon on top of everything. I find that the other 1/2 of the banana keeps just fine until later in the day or even the next day. I throw it into a zip-top bag and keep it at room temperature until I need it. Sometimes the cut end will get a little dried out or funky looking. If this happens, I just cut the end off the next time I need it and proceed with what I’m doing.

And last but not least, the combination of Nutella, sliced strawberries, and toasted coconut flakes. Just like the almond butter/banana combo, I spread about 1 tablespoon of Nutella on the toast. Then, I slice up about 1/2 cup of strawberries and lay the slices on top. I finish it up by sprinkling a small handful of toasted, unsweetened coconut flakes on top of everything.

Well, there you go. Now you have 4 options for quick, portable, and healthy breakfasts/snacks. If you have other ideas for fancy toast that you frequently have for breakfast or a snack, leave a comment below or tag me in your pictures on Instagram (@bookishkitchen #thebookishkitchen) so I can see your beautiful creations!

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